Rapid Perception, Effective Reading and Learning Training with the Neuro Attention Method

Unique new generation learning system
Our Trainings

Rapid Perception, Effective Reading and Learning Training with the Neuro Attention Method

Our training program aiming for the automatic development of reading speed and understanding with the synchronized work of the related functions of the mind due to the cognitive exercises. 

Training consists of 3 stages:

In the first stage, we will perform exercises aiming the development of;

 Information Processing Speed (Rapid Perception.)
Short-term memory
Working Memory

In the second stage, a program aiming for the development of the visual perception system is implemented.

On the last stage, with the synchronized work of the aforementioned systems, a higher level of perceiving, reading and learning is aimed.

Notice: This is not a speed-reading training. This is our training program that aims to increase the reading and comprehension efficiency by working on the t related mental functions.

Duration: 16 hours

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